Property managers and sales agents...

The cheapest and fastest way to get a 2D floorplan

Create in 5 minutes from your phone, get it back in under 24 hours

A fraction of the usual

floorplan cost

Generate directly from 

your smartphone

New technology now 

available in Australia

How it works
Step 1:

Hold up your phone and scan 

the property as you walk through

each room.

Step 2:

Press upload.

Step 3:

Your floorplan is emailed to

you within 24 hours. It's as simple

as that!

Property managers and sales agents...

What you get

2D floorplan with:

Property layout
Room fixtures
Room names
Square meterage
Room dimensions

Creation in 5 minutes

Delivery in under 24 hours

Floorplans from $32(ex GST)

Features and benefits

Generate a floorplan 

from your smartphone

Significantly less expensive 

than the traditional method

Same price applies regardless 

of the property’s size or whether 

it’s a single or double storey

Attract more qualified tenants

by supplying a floorplan

Make your rental listings

stand out from others

Offer increased value to your 

landlords and tenants

Improve documentation by having floorplans for each property

Property managers and sales agents...
Say goodbye to the traditional way
Arrange for a floorplan specialist to visit the property
Provide access to the property for the floorplan specialist to create the floorplan
Costs around $180 per floorplan
Two-day turnaround
Floorplan Facts
A floorplan is the 2nd most important feature...
On a listing according to both renters and home buyers.
A floorplan produces a 52% increase...
In click-through rates on a listing.
Frequently asked questions

Our floorplans have been verified to maintain an impressive 95-97% accuracy rate. Please note, accuracy can be affected by different factors such as scanning style, lightning conditions and objects preventing visibility to the floor/wall line.

Here are our best practices for scanning:

1. Make sure you scan the whole interiors of the property in one scan, including all floors (single and double storey) and your garage.

2. Start scanning on the lowest floor and work your way upstairs. We recommend starting from the entrance, however, do what works best for the property you are

scanning. Scan one floor completely before moving to the next. Do not go back and forth between floors during a scan.

3. Hold your smartphone and camera steady with both hands and walk forwards (not sideways!) at a normal walking pace.

4. Keep the device at chest height in landscape (horizontal) mode and tilt it slightly downwards in the walking direction.

5. Scan no closer than 1.5 metres and no further than 3 metres from objects. This is the optimal range for data collection.

6. Do not open doors during the scan. However, if you must open doors while scanning, please point the camera away from the door while you open it.

7. Scan small spaces through the door opening without entering the space. Back out to avoid turning around.

8. If there is fixed furniture or windows, stop, pan up to show the furniture or the bottom of the window, then pan down. Make sure you are stationary when doing this.

9. Do not scan a ceiling directly above where you are standing. Scan the ceiling at a slight upwards angle so that the ceiling and other surroundings are visible in the frame.

Yes, all FloorPlan AI floorplans include dimensions for each room.

You can purchase floorplan tokens starting from $32!

If you’re a Listing Loop Premium Member, you receive two complimentary floorplans each month.

FloorPlan AI will deliver your floorplan to you in under 24 hours. This will be emailed to you and will also be available within your Agent Hub.





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