
How to decorate a nursery

April 25, 2021

Creating the perfect bedroom for your baby

Are you counting down the months, weeks, and days until you welcome your newborn to the world? Congratulations!

One of the key steps to the well-known ‘nesting’ period is preparing the baby's bedroom. But how do you decorate a nursery? If you and your partner aren’t naturally creative, this might seem a bit daunting. Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered!

Seek inspiration

As a starting point, jump onto Pinterest and start browsing. You’ll quickly get a feel for broad concepts, colours, styles and themes you like and don’t like for the baby's bedroom! Remember to pin all your favourites.

For further colour inspiration, check out your options at the local Bunnings or paint store and pick up some swatches. Walking through baby stores can also ignite ideas.

The next step is to create a mood board - a visual summary of your nursery concept. This can be done via Pinterest if you’re digital savvy. Or you could create a good ol’ collage from magazine cut-outs and paint swatches on a piece of cardboard.

Organise furniture

Obviously, the baby needs somewhere to sleep. And, their clothes need to go somewhere. But what else do you need to consider? Here’s a list of the essentials:

  • Cot and/or bassinet
  • Mattress
  • Waterproof mattress protector
  • Sheets
  • Nursing chair
  • Drawers and https://stage-preview.listingl...dresser
  • Change table and mat
  • Baby monitor
  • Lamp or nightlight

More ideas of must-buy baby items can be found in the Baby Bunting Checklist.

You might choose to buy matching furniture or add character by purchasing new and second-hand mismatched items!

Avoid clutter

Ensure there’s plenty of storage space and it’s easy to walk around the room. You want to avoid any possible trip hazards for middle-of-the-night feeds!

If you have a small nursery, consider moving or removing some furniture. For example, a nursing chair could be placed in your lounge room instead. And if you don’t have room for a change table, a mat (with raised sides) could work perfectly on top of a dresser.

Adding design elements

Once you’ve decided upon the colour palette and theme, whether it’s gender specific or neutral, the next step is to source items to decorate the nursery!

You could consider some cute paintings, lettering (if you’ve selected your child’s name), toys, books and ornaments. Adding photos of family members, from past and present, can also be a nice touch.

Don’t be afraid of the dark

It’s a good idea for your nursery to mimic nighttime at any time. This can be achieved via heavy curtains or blackouts to block out light for day naps.

Hopefully, this sets you and your baby up for peaceful sleeping patterns! (Although there are no guarantees….)

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