
Reasons to review your energy bill

March 15, 2022

We're all guilty of setting and forgetting our utility providers but there's nothing like moving house to make you rethink your power supplier.

But there's no reason to wait until a stressful moving day to make a utility change.

While energy suppliers' true colours often come out to play around moving day with mixed-up reconnection dates and final meter readings, we don't suggest you wait until moving day to discover your providers' best and worst moments.

Instead, make a regular date in your diary to review your energy bills.

Here are some extra encouraging reasons to do so.

Recent rules and reforms = better bank balance

You may have heard about energy deregulation and we agree that it doesn't sound exciting - but the results of this recent change could easily help your bank account.

There are good and bad points to energy deregulation particularly having private companies setting their own prices which may soar above the costs that governments may have set before loosening their grip on gas and electricity suppliers.

At the same time, competition between energy providers is now stronger than ever with companies keen to provide both attractive prices and an extra edge via discounts and promotions.

As well, switching energy providers is now much swifter thanks to new reforms introduced by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) late last year, in which providers must only take two business days to transfer the change, as compared to up to three months.

Where do I start?

Grab a cup of strong coffee, close your office door and plunge into the utility fray with no holds barred.

Head to Moving Loop where our energy bill comparisons will help you with your utility move.

Bear in mind that if you're on a fixed-term contract with your current provider, you may need to pay an exit fee.

But this is a good reason why you should aim for a flexible contract with your new provider or at the very least, double-check their early exit rules while realising these details are often hidden in the fine print.

What should I look for with a new supplier?

Start with looking at your energy needs including heating and air conditioning if you live in extreme weather areas.

Do you have solar panels or are you planning to install them in the future?

Does the supplier you're considering offer both gas and electricity options?

What are their supply and usage charges and their connection fees (again, this information is often hidden in the fine print)?

Do they have smart, efficient customer service?

Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions and take your time with a possible supplier move.

Also, if you do decide to make the move, don't be surprised if your former supplier contacts you in the near future to entice you back with a better deal.

We're here to help

As well as helping you compare and switch, Moving Loop can assist soon-to-be-movers with utility disconnections and reconnections.

We're also highly useful when it comes to finding the best possible removalists for your needs.

Then there's other ways we can keep you in the 'loop', such as Listing Loop, which can ensure you enjoy first access to pre-market, off-market and secret property listings, while Lending Loop can give you competitive rates from more than 40 of Australia’s biggest banks and specialist lenders along with plenty of great loan advice and tips.

Whatever you need when it comes to getting a better deal, moving, buying, selling and loan advice, we've got your back. Let Moving Loop start by getting your energy bills sorted.


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