
Maximise your property's street appeal with our top front yard landscaping ideas

March 20, 2024

First impressions count and one of the easiest ways to build buyer confidence when you sell off-market is by maximising your property’s attributes. Any serious buyer will scope out your property with a drive-by or a search on Google Earth, so make sure it is ready and in optimum condition. The basics of good presentation don’t cost a lot, but they can drive up a property’s value, so they're worth the extra time and care.

Your property’s street appeal sets a certain expectation

In the opinion of Negative Space Consulting, "In the fast-paced world of real estate, first impressions are often the only chance a property has to make a lasting impact on potential buyers. Research shows that it takes a mere 8 seconds for a person to decide whether they like a property or not.” 

Even before they step inside your property, most buyers have an idea of what it is worth to them. Buying a property is an emotional process and surprisingly, how it makes them feel, is perhaps the most important factor in their first impression. If they make an emotional connection and fall in love with your property, any qualms about paying too much will soon be forgotten.

“What people experience at the front of the property will always set their expectations for what they will get once they walk through the front door,” advises Street Appeal Garden Solutions

The front of your property sets the tone

Your front yard sets the tone of your property, so make its presentation your number one priority. Garden maintenance is the bare minimum of your responsibilities. Not only does a tidy, well-designed front yard increase your property’s appeal from both an aesthetic and functional perspective, but it will reassure your buyers that the property has been well cared for – a promising indicator of the state of the interior. We know things are a bit tough at the moment, but there are smart ways to get around construction costs, and budget permitting, several other minor and inexpensive improvements in décor and design, lighting, access, and security will also help create a wow factor.

top front yard landscaping ideas
A well-designed front yard not only enhances your property's aesthetic appeal but also reassures potential buyers about the well-maintained condition of the property

Attention to detail can make the difference between a good price and a street record

To help get you started, we've created a list of our top front yard landscaping ideas that are guaranteed to maximise your property’s street appeal. Admittedly, some of them may sound obvious, but in the madness that comes with listing your property for sale, it can be easy to forget those small, crucial details that make all the difference to your sale price.

  1. Create a garden maintenance schedule – Stay on top of weeding, mulching, pruning, and mowing and ensure that the different areas of your garden are clearly defined with borders and edgings. Reseed any patches on your lawn, cut back trees that block out too much sunlight, remove vines on exterior walls, and organise your pot plants - plant stands are a good idea. Clean out your gutters to prevent blockages during heavy rainfall - because trust us, leaky ceilings on inspection days are never a good look. Repaint or re-stain fencing if required. 
  2. Think about a garden makeover – You are aiming to create a neutral canvas that attracts a wide range of buyers, with some rules. Your front yard should also complement the architectural style of your property, or, at the very least, there should be a level of cohesion between the two. For example, a pair of Cape Cod chairs on the front deck of a beach cottage help your buyers envisage that lifestyle; an array of colourful plants and flowers add interest to darker, older properties, and a contemporary front yard will look more streamlined with a geometric layout and grasses and shrubs rather than flowers. Finally, make sure that you research any new plants you buy. When we updated our front garden, the Lilly Pillies we bought to create a hedge line for privacy took years to grow a few centimetres. 
  3. Consider the symmetry, scale, and balance of your front yard to create a sense of order. Make sure any plants you buy are large enough to make an impact. Small, pretty flowers add colour, but they will be lost in front of a large property, and although the contrast they provide works in certain settings, too much colour in the front of a contemporary property, for example, can look chaotic and may lessen the impact of a minimalist style. Buyers don’t like surprises, and although your carefully curated “wild” garden may appeal to your free spirit, most buyers are looking for a garden that is easy to maintain.
  4. Review your hardscape elements - Look objectively at your pathways, patios, decks, and retaining walls and decide if they need repairing or replacing. If the existing brick pathway needs repair, for example, you may want to consider updating it with stone slabs for more contrast.
  5. Ensure access to your front door is obvious - “Landscaping curb appeal is ultimately about moving to the front door in a welcoming way. Make the transition natural and intuitive so guests know where to go,” recommends Better Homes and Gardens. If a structural alteration is out of the question, a couple of large potted plants or planters on either side of the front door or some solar lighting along the edge of the pathway will do the job.
  6. Consider your lightingThis is important from both an aesthetic and security perspective. You don’t need to turn your garden into Vivid, but your property will require some form of exterior lighting for security if nothing else. Nowadays, you don't need to wire in exterior lighting with so many solar options available, which has helped bring the cost down.
  7. Add some interest with outdoor art and décor - A birdbath or water feature will cultivate a welcoming, relaxed vibe to your home and weatherproof art that complements the style of your property sets the tone for the lifestyle journey you are about to share with your buyers.

Capitalise on your property's presentation to get your buyers to the front door

There are many things you can’t control when you sell, but getting your buyers to your front door shouldn’t be one of them. Your property's unique selling points may not be obvious from the street and you may have to work harder than your competitors to generate interest, but the ideas above will help get you there. 

At Listing Loop, we know that listing a property for sale is an emotional, time-consuming process - even when you sell off-market and don’t have as much paperwork and marketing to organise. The process requires time, research, planning and the best professional advice, all of which we offer. 

We pride ourselves on our customer service, so when you team up with us, we offer the following packages,  designed to make selling quicker and easier:

Package 1: We list your property for FREE,

Package 2: Amongst other benefits, our Seller Assist service - ALSO FREE - helps you identify the best local agent to sell your property,

Package 3: We help you sell the property by yourself by advertising your property for sale without an agent for a one-off, fixed fee.

    These packages remove much of the stress of selling, allowing you more time to focus on getting your front yard on point and planning for your new home. So, what are you waiting for? Let us do the hard work for you. List and sell your property with us with confidence.

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