
The advantages of working with a buyer's advocate

February 7, 2023

Buying in today's market can be tough and to counterbalance rising rates like the one from the RBA yesterday, buyers must be savvy and stay one step ahead of the competition at all times. Buying off-market is a great way of achieving that, but what other weapons do you need in your arsenal to improve your chances of securing a perfect investment property or the home of your dreams? 

How can you improve your chances of securing the perfect property?

Obviously, we're going to recommend FREE membership with us so you can access our off-market, pre-market and secret listings, BUT...have you considered working with a Buyer's Advocate? We ask the question because we are such big fans of the work they do, we've included their assistance as a perk of our Buyer Assist service. 

What exactly does a Buyer’s Advocate do and are they worth your investment?

“A buyer’s agent – or buyer’s advocate – is a property-buying professional who specialises in searching for, scoping out and evaluating properties, as well as negotiating or bidding at auction on your behalf. Their clients range from first-home buyers and time-poor house hunters to property investors buying in an unfamiliar area.”(Westpac)

Your Buyer’s Advocate gives you credibility with sales agents

In the eyes of sales agents and property sellers, a buyer’s advocate gives you “genuine buyer” status. They confirm that you are not just browsing, a time waster, or a neighbour having a quick sticky beak at their property. You are the real deal, ready and committed to buying.

The advantages of working with a buyer's advocate
Not only do they pay their way in the time they save you on market research, they are likely to save you money on your purchase price with their expert negotiation skills.

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to maintain full control of your purchase?

No. Not if you look at the big picture and the many ways your Buyer’s Advocate can facilitate it. Let’s look at the many services they offer:

  1. They carry out your initial property search. They have access to data that is not readily available to the public, as well as longstanding relationships with agents which give you access to more off-market properties. Once they have done their research, they will come up with a selection of properties that best suit your criteria in your areas of choice, and once you agree on which ones to view, they organise inspections of those properties at a time that suits you.
  2. They speed up the buying process. Buyer’s advocates will make sure you are prepared in terms of your paperwork, whether that’s with your mortgage broker, financial planner, or solicitor. Furthermore, they are “in the loop” with the agents in your area because they are working there all the time. They have their fingers in every pie and will be the first to know about any changes in the market or new off-market listings.
  3. They accompany you to inspect the properties. This service is particularly helpful for those buyers who have limited experience or don't know what to look for during the precious thirty-minute window of an inspection, such as first-time buyers or people who are new to an area or country. You would be surprised at the number of times buyers forget to check out major features such as laundries and baths.
  4. They negotiate on your behalf. Buyer advocates have your back. Buying and selling are two of the biggest stressors in life and not everyone is a natural negotiator. There is a lot of money at stake, not to mention the time required to get all your paperwork in place in terms of approvals and loans. We lead busy leaves and it is easy to crack under this pressure and forget to do your due diligence. A Buyer's Advocate acts on your behalf and takes over many of these responsibilities.
  5. They show agents that you are serious about buying. A Buyer's Advocate gives you instant credibility, like having an agent if you are an author or actor.
  6. They are objective and not emotionally invested. It is crucial when buying property to know when to walk away, and they do. When you connect emotionally with a property, you start thinking with your heart rather than your head - a vulnerability sellers count on - so it is understandably advantageous to have someone by your side who is objective when making large-scale decisions.
  7. They are a professional authority. They have experience and qualifications, so you can trust them to know their stuff. Most importantly, agents trust them and like working with them because they know that Buyers' Advocates won’t sit around or mess them around. They make their job easier which makes them attractive.
  8. They save you money. They will let you know if a property is worth its price tag or if it’s overpriced and they help you avoid common mistakes or expensive property-buying traps.
  9. And finally, they keep your transaction moving. “Working with a Buyer’s Advocate means you’re hiring someone to stay on top of your offer and settlement. It’s the best way to ensure your transaction maintains momentum,” says Buyer’s Advocate, Joanna Boyd.

Will a Buyer's Advocate really save you money?

Yes. Your Buyer’s Advocate lives and breathes buying property, so although their services aren't free, we believe they are worth the investment. Not only do they pay their way in the time they save you on market research, building rapports with local real estate agents, and handling protracted negotiations, they are likely to save you money on your purchase price with their expert negotiation skills.

TIME IS MONEY when you buy property!

In a nutshell, they understand the market inside and out, which helps you avoid making costly mistakes. You should end up paying what the property is worth rather than what your seller believes it is worth.

You may not agree with the expression "speculating to accumulate”, but a Buyer’s Advocate is one of your best weapons in a tricky market, particularly if you are time-poor or searching in a popular or new area. To learn more about our Buyer Assist service and how one of our Buyer's Advocates can help you secure your dream home, book a free consultation to speak to one of our team today.


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